Moving to HUGO

I’ve been reading and researching recently about different Content Management Systems and static page generators, so I decided to move away from Ghost. And that’s not because Ghost is bad, it’s just because I want to learn and the new way of managing documentation (Documents as Code).

So I decided to move my blog to HUGO platform and use Google Firebase as hosting provider. The benefits are a lot, as Firebase gives you free DDoS protection along with CDN. And also the freebies you get with that hosting are awesome. However, I’m using the paid tier, since I appreciate what Google are doing for developers.

The fact that I also learn so much about web technologies is also amazing. The technological advancement of the web is huge, so I just can’t stay and watch, but get hands-on and learn.

Also, the fact that all the text I’m writing now is through VSCode and not in a GUI, is also a big shift for me.

Stay tuned, I’m planning to blog much more than I did last year.