I‘ve bought the book Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible Third Edition by Richard Blum and Christine Bresnahan some time ago, but somehow haven‘t got enough time to go through it (Amazon Link). The reason being is a lack of time and prioritization, but right now I‘m preparing a series of Incident Response for Linux systems and I definitely need it.

The book is big and heavy - definitely not an everyday manual for incident responder or forensicator. It is more of a reference guide and tutorial on how to ease your life by scripting most of the tasks you‘re to perform on Linux systems. In DFIR world, shell scripting can save you a lot of time executing commands, writing reports, parsing data, verifying data and so on. That‘s why the skill of using the power of shell scripts is an absolute necessity.

The book covers from basic topics like what is Linux (Chapter 1 The Linux Command Line), different shells - bash, ksh, zsh and alternatives (Chapter 2 Getting To The Shell, Chapter 3 Basic Bash Shell Commands) to advanced ones like script control, functions, sed, gawd and so on (Chapters 19-26).So if you‘re taking on this book, make sure you make enough time to deep dive. I‘m using it much more than a reference guide than reading through every single chapter, so for that purpose I highly recommend it - 5 stars!